The next day of gluing all the ribs, I removed all the clamps and pinches, and check the result. OK, it's almost perfect except for one part. It was upper block part. Since I thought it's enough to glue by pinching that part, I didn't use gluing pad and F-clamp. But that was bad idea. I could see little space between rib and upper block.
So I had to remove rib of this part and glue it again. It's good to find this kind of mistake pretty early, and fix it. Because later and later it becomes more difficult to fix and troublesome. So, I was kind of lucky to find it soon.
(Finish shaping of corner ribs too. It was kind of good result ^^)
After fixing this part, it's time to complete the width of ribs!As you can see, ribs are wider than mold which is about 30 to 31mm. The first thing to do is shave this excess part by plane. But as you know, ribs are thin and they have strong flames usually. This flame part is quite easy to cause cracks by planing. At this step, I made mistakes in the past. It's really easy to make cracks and losing proper width of ribs. So we really have to be careful to plane these excess ribs. Once you lost proper width, you have to wood powder with glue on it. This fixing method helps a lot for beginner, but it's visible later. So we'd better to be careful^^)
OK, shaving excess part of ribs is completed! This time there was no mistake! Now I don't need thick mold anymore. So I remove the one of back side plate mold. I didn't glue blocks onto backside mold, it was quite easy to remove it. If we put too much glue when we glue blocks, it makes so much difficulties of removing mold.
It's time to prepare the lining material~~~
Usually for lining material we use spruce which is same as table(top). But I've heard that Stradivarius used much softer lining material for lining. It was not just a spruce. (I don't know what it is called in English, but in Japanese it's YANAGI tree.) Usually spruce is cut from pine trees or conifers right? I don't know the tree's name in English so much, but anyway he used pretty soft material for lining.
I wanted to use this kind of material, but unfortunately I can't find YANAGI at any material shops. Maybe there's at Japanese wood shop, but Japanese woods are quite different from European woods, so I don't want use it. This time there was not choice for this, so I used normal spruce. But someday!
Preparation of lining is like one of rib. We should make proper thickness(about 1.8-2.0mm). And then soak into water and bend by hot Iron.
Spruce seems way softer than maple and it seems easy to bend, right? But it's not true. Sometimes 2mm thickness spruce is tougher than maple ribs. And it also easy to get cracks. Eventhough we make cracks, it becomes invisible later, but I can't stand it. Eventhough we can hide such a small mistake by gluing but I think it influences to the result of violin's sound. Maybe(this is just my imagination) lining is also important to transfer the vivlation which is given from table side to upper and lower side of ribs. Because lining's fiber is straight all through the ribs. And spruce's speed of transfering vivlation is much faster than that of maple(?) But it's just my imagination, I can't garuntee it.
Anyway what I want to say is we should be careful for bending this too. Hehehe, it's always just be careful! For violin making it's always be required.
The difficult point is to make exact same length as ribs. I have to match the length of lining from block to block without any space. If we make some space between rib and lining, well, the result is not great. What I want is beautiful sound, without annoying noise! So bending, matching the shape and length, gluing, it took almost all daylong. But the result, I'm pretty satisfied...
Today's point is...
*Be patient! Don't get Frustlated and don't make more mistake!